Answer the following questions in a different colour text.
What was the first challenge?
They had to take a photo of a really large bird.
Why did the challenge happen so late in the day?
Because they arrived Friday afternoon.
Why did Mum and Dad go with the teams?
Because the sun was going down and their parents went with them to be safe.
Why did the girls hurry back to the cabin?
Because they had an half an hour to take a photo of a large bird then hurry back to the cabin..
Why didn’t the huge owl appear?
Jacob found out that the owls come out when it is dark..
What does ‘Mum keep quiet. She knew the rules!’ mean?
Because they heard noises of an animal that could have been huge.
Why were Jacob and Henry getting worried?
Because there was not that much time to win the challenge.
Why was Henry feeling annoyed?
Because he couldn't take a photo of the large turkey.
Why did the girls enjoy showing the boys and Mum their photos?
Because they took amazing photos and that they won