
Thursday 20 September 2018


today on math me and my  group was going this when we did all
of it then to know that it spell move your body and it so fun with
my group that was for math.


Tuesday 11 September 2018


HI THIS IS MY DMIC. i did this with Kauri,Kolopa,siosuas we had a little
 bit help from Miss Nua  then we was so happy this is our work.

Tuesday 4 September 2018


Today we was going DMIC. and my group was me and Eva,Kauri that was
my group it was so fun with my group for DMIC this is my DMIC i
hopes you like it for DMIC this week.


Hi my name is kesaia I am going to show my writing to you hear is.  This term we a
learning about move ya’ body and the objects that we

We need so that we can move our bodys by eating the right food and Sleeping
the right time.My   animation is auto running like school a competing .
IT going to shows people at the back moving they body and the front Running and
moving they body to.IT going to shows people at the back moving they body and the
front Running and moving they body to.